Windstruck Borders

That Which Rightfully Belong To You Will Be Yours In The End

Friday, January 25, 2008

2008 and Freedom?

HAPPY BELATED 2008 to Earth. Lol I finally updated.... Weather is hot as hell and I got nothing else to do while waiting to go to Daniel's house and follow him visit Victor at the shop he's working at. So it's been almost a month since New Year but I guess I can still list down some resolutions I have for 2008. Here are a few.

1.) I'm sure you guys have heard this one multiple times from me but, this year we have to tag females along on our holiday trips. No more gay-ing around, no more emo-ing with each other and no more all "sausage and egg only" squad.

2.) To be more hardworking and gain more talents. Gotta go to gym more often, can't be the lazy me anymore and overall total self improvement in terms of both physical and mental.

3.) To gain more weight =P

4.) Find true love? (Don't think thats a resolution but oh well)

My parents are leaving for Macau today. Which means I have the house to myself. I can go out anywhere I want, do whatever I want, bring home whoever I want. Basically freedom =P. But I sure am gonna miss my parents, and my doggie too who is currently under the care of my aunt cos I'm too lazy =P.

So for the first day of freedom I'm just gonna chill around until tonight. Will be heading to Laundry Bar tonight to celebrate June and Amanda's 18th Birthday. I feel like getting wasted because my parents are not around but nah, I think I'll just have a few cups tonight. UNLESS! The night can somehow be a blast then maybe, just MAYBE, I'll consider getting drunk but in a bar? I don't think it'll happen..

Speaking of birthdays, it seems like 20th birthdays is a sad rather than happy day. Everyone is dreading how they're turning old and theres no more `teen` in them. Suffice to say, being 20 is still very very young actually. Life has just begun and I'm waiting to see what exciting endeavours is waiting for us in store for our first step towards adulthood.