Buckle Up
A lil shoutout before I begin this post: Happy 19th Birthday Murali/Tamby/Black/NoobDriver. Sorry, theres no cake for you this year because you wasted the ice cream cake I bought you last year. So padan muka, no cake for you this year /gg. Just kiddin there bro, got not much money this time around so couldn't get you a cake man. Once again, happy 19th Birthday dude ;-)
So, I finally settled all the registering commotions and got myself registered on Friday. I was quite amazed at how simple the registration was. Thankfully, we do not have to fill up long winded application forms all over again as the college's database has all our information stored so all the form requires is my Name, Ic No. bla bla....Not long fillups like address, parents workplace address, grandmother's name, father's mother's name or such. Yup, for the people who knows me, I registered for Games Development. There were a few doubts here and there before this about employability but I've decided to not give a shit about that. I don't see the word `unemployability` as a major issue as long as we work hard and don't expect to get highly paid as fresh graduates.
Now why Games Development? Yea, I do play a lot of games but no I was never good at any of them. I get excited everytime theres news about a famous game launch but no I do not finish the game when it has already been released (Besides Metal Gear and occasional Final Fantasies). Yes I've read up on various parts in games development's ins and outs, meat and bones and nitty gritty stuffs but no, developing a game is no fun at all. The very reason I chose games development is to find out what's so difficult about developing a game and what is taking developers so long to launch a game. But the thing I'm most curious about is, how can anyone in their right minds launch a game like this:
Now this particular game is really, truly, honestly, insertwhateverwordyouwant, BAD!!!
The truck runs over hills, it doesnt go on the road, graphics are glitched all over..the list goes on and on.
Even if you've spent tons of money developing the game, why the hell would you release such a game to the market. To suffer more losses I don't think so. I'm pretty sure the developers of this game are grown ups with their brains at their right place. So yup, I would really like to find out why did these people release this game.