Windstruck Borders

That Which Rightfully Belong To You Will Be Yours In The End

Saturday, January 13, 2007


My 2nd semester results wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, I'm quite satisfied with it although there wasn't any improvement from the previous semester. I got 2 distinctions, 2 credits and 1 pass. The best part was passing Quantitative was an absolute relief. I too was feeling the same as everyone else, heart beating hard and fingers shaking while logging in, clicking on the links hoping to not see a fail in front of the computer in the lab. For the amount of effort I put in, this was good enough for me :-p

I have developed a very weird bad habit but this habit feels half rewarding at times. Some of you might already know as it is pretty obvious and that's.....Changing Handphones~~ Okie I can pretty much read everyone's mind everytime I pull out a new handphone. Its either:-

1.) Wah, this fella dam rich ah. Always change phone.
2.) How many times he want to change handphone weh!~~
3.) Show offla~ Always new handphone.
4.) Biasalah this fella....change handphone like changing underwear.

Let me get this straight. I am definitely not rich. The handphones I get are all second hand. I've never bought a first hand phone my entire life. Yes, NEVER! Here are the reasons for the frequent change:-

1.) Its cheap and I mean really cheap.
2.) I can sell for profit whenever I want to.
3.) If I can enjoy while making money, why not?
4.) I'm just circulating money, I don't pay any extra cash.

So the next time you see me with a new handphone, please don't put the word RICH in your mind. Please???~ One last reason is because, I have yet to find the phone to die for. Anyway, this does not apply to the way I choose a girlfriend, so don't worry! :-p

Here's a few snapshots to replace my boring and uncreative text blog. I'm sure you guys would prefer images than my uninteresting texts. Without further ado, here they are...

SMKTM Xmas BBQ Reunion

SanTa hAts GalOre!!~

Nice group picture with long time no see friends

Sushi King with Chi Mui

PhoTo SeSsioN beFore tHe FooD aRriVeS

StUnnED by YoU.....aS aLwaYs :-)

Kar Leng's Birthday @ Sushi King

UnLighTed CandLes?

WeY SiAn & KaR LeNg

OnE WorD......Cute >.<

WeY SiAn's DraWinG

ChOpsTicK NuB..

Its A Wrap 2006

EverYonE rEadY tO wElcOme 2007

FeW mInuTeS b4 fIrEworKs

NoTiCe tHe CrOwD's eXciteMenT

Sis's Departure to Doha

FrOm LeFt: Me, MoM, DaD, SiS aNd JaSon

MoM, SiS & DaD

DaD & SiS

FrOm LeFt: CouSiN, AuNt, SiS and UnCle

FrOm LeFt: AuNt, SiS & UnCle

2006 has been a pretty eventful year and definitely the most interesting in my entire life. With this, its time to say goodbye to 2006 and to look forward to a more eventful (and hopefully better) 2007. HAPPY 2007!!

(Ok a bit outdated here, don't care lah :p)