Windstruck Borders

That Which Rightfully Belong To You Will Be Yours In The End

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Mystery To Solve

SPM has been pretty alright so far, except for History that is. Never liked and never ever will like that subject. Why can't we learn about some history of magic or wizards or monsters or something? I'm sure everyone would prefer to know something more interesting in the past than lame ass perlembagaans and undang-undangs. Heck we even have to remember those IKNOWMYNAMEISLONGBUTYOUHAVENOCHOICESUCKER names to actually answer the questions!!

I haven't been having good sleeps these few days cause of SPM. I wake up and the first thing in my mind is "Did I forget anything?" or "What was the formula again? Err..". These things really bother me a lot because..yea I can't remember things well and stress is building up in me. I really hope SPM will fly by faster....

Here is a mystery I would like you guys to give a bit of thought into. The link I'm going to post is a blog of someone who went into trouble in Zouk. She claims that she is innocent and signs points to yes but Zouk still accuses her for what she did. This news even came out in the papers and it happened not very long ago. So for those who are interested just go to the links I've posted and give some thought into it.

Zouk Abuse Blog :

Scroll down til you see a picture and read from that post onward.

Someone who thinks its bullshit:

Hmm unfortunately I forgot what was the link to the newspaper articles about this..
I will post it up if I manage to find the links.