To Blog or Not To Blog?
Blogging really conjures up a weird feeling on people. Since writing a diary is already considered somewhat `outdated`, people now turn to blogs to tell the tales of their daily lives. Heck, some people even became famous by blogging (Eg. Kenny Sia). Everyday in a human's life no matter how mundane it is there's bound to be some events or happenings surrounding us (exclude me, I'm not observant enough to notice my surroundings). What I'm trying to say is, theres always something to blog about but how can we keep our blogs as updated as our lives are?
While you're standing at the LRT Station waiting for a train to come? You can blog about how you felt at that time and the expressions of the anonymous people around you. While you're sitting down having lunch? You can blog about how nice the aesthetics of the food is but how bad it tasted. Few hours before receiving your exam results? You can blog about how yesterday was a sleepless night for you etc etc.
So, is it necessary for a blogger to keep his/her blog updated everyday? Won't that be too overwhelming? If everything that's happening around us can be deemed `interesting` then wouldn't our lives be interesting all the time? I do think of my blog whenever something interesting happens in my life however, by the time I get home, how much of that event can I remember to chain up a good blog post?
Note: This post is a random post filled with crap. Just wanted to somewhat `update` my blog with a post. Although senseless but oh well =p
I feel blogging is just a way to express yourself and to share your happiness and blog it when u really feel like it. don't blog because just want to update or keep the traffic of your blog
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